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Welcome To Bumperpugs.com

Photo Page

First off, let me apologize. This web site is pretty much always under construction. There's always so much to do and so little time. We just added a new Pug to our family, so that leaves me even less time to work on things like Web pages. One of these days, I'll get this site finished. Perhaps maybe after the Minnesota Vikings win the Super Bowl. Ha Ha
Tammy 10-6-04

Hi. My name is Tammy. I reside in northeastern Ohio with my husband, Karl, our 3 year old black male Pug, Bumper, 18 month old black female Pug, Maggie and 3 1/2 year old fawn male pug, Toby. 

There's never a dull moment with Pugs around the house. As I build this web site, I'll add photos and stories to entertain you.

Bumper's Web Site

Be sure to visit my photo page. I've  added some pictures of Maggie and a couple from Pugfest PA, 2003.  I just finally got these copied to CD-ROM.  One of these years, I'll get the rest of them put on here.  I love the one of "Tank", who is dressed up like a Los Angeles Lakers fan.  However, since you can't really tell the difference, I'll just say he's dressed up like a Minnesota Viking.  I'll get some pictures of Toby put up there too.  He's our newest addition to our family. 

Links Page

Please be sure to visit Oz Pugs. This was originally started by a wonderful gal named Lisa who lives in Australia. She wanted to meet others in Australia who share her love of Pugs. This site ended up atracting people from all over, including the U.S. It's a great place to discuss Pugs, brag about them, post pictures, and so much more!


To contact me, write: